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Monday, July 23, 2012

Is your Birthday coming up?  Not sure what to do.... Here is a great idea, book a room at The Garver House and let us know you will be celebrating your birthday (some form of proof needed).  The Garver House will make a Birthday cake just for you, tell us your favorite flavor and we will see what we can do!

Please give us a couple of days notice.  One of our guests recently celebrated her birthday and she received a Birthday cake, almond cake with raspberry filling and chocolate butter cream frosting, yum...what are you waiting for?

Wonderful weekend

Here at the Garver House we had a wonderful weekend with our guests.  It was a girls weekend.  A group of three sisters on one of their annual B&B weekend getaways.  Two girl friends getting away from the hustle and bustle of the work week and celebrating a birthday.  Good conversation and laughs were shared by all over the breakfast table each morning.  After breakfast they were off to explore what the area has to offer.  Antiquing, Trumpet in the Land, Amish country, the nite life in New Philadelphia!
 Each morning started with fresh brewed coffee right outside their bedroom door.  Downstairs at 8:30 for a hearty breakfast so they could take on the day!  Day one was Honey infused Orange French Toast and sausage along with Strawberry bread, juice and fresh fruit with raspberry sherbet.  Day two everyone dined on Juice, Lemon poppy seed scones, Tropical fruit sorbet, Baked oatmeal with cherries and toasted walnuts,
Egg nests and homemade hash-browns.  No one leaves the Garver House hungry!  Everything homemade using fresh local ingredients whenever possible.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Babies in the nest!!  We at the Garver House now have three baby birds in the nest on the wreath that is on the front door.  The first two that hatched I named Chirp and Tweet, so original I know!  I need some suggestions for the last birdie born.  Send me you suggestions and I will keep you updated on the progress of our little ones.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Waiting for the babies to chirp!

A lovely little robin has decided that the wreath on the front door of The Garver House would make a wonderful place to build a nest.  A few days later 2 eggs appear!  A couple of days later another egg appears.  We are now waiting for the eggs to hatch and hear the babies peeping!  I will keep you posted on our little family.